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Meditation is easier, and deeper when you learn how to go with the flow.

If you're here I'm guessing that you know meditation is good for you, but you haven’t yet found a way to make it stick. Maybe you’ve dabbled with apps, or done a few drop-in classes, or maybe you listen to some guided meditations when you feel stressed or can't fall asleep. Or maybe you're a total newbie who's heard about how great meditation is but don't know where to start. I think you'll find, as thousands of others have, that meditation is easier, more effective and enjoyable when you go with the FLOW.

What's FLOW Meditation?

It’s a powerful combination of meditation, breathwork, mindfulness and visualization techniques that will reduce the actual level of stress in your body so you can sleep better, be more present and grounded, and better able to bring more of your best to more of your life. To learn more you can keep reading, or attend a free live intro workshop.

"When I studied with James I’d been meditating with apps like Headspace, but something important was missing. Since transitioning my practice I’ve experienced a measurable reduction in feelings of exasperation and feel more balanced, present, connected and alive. Oh...and not long after taking the course I started winning more at poker."

Martin Tobias - Founder, Incisive Ventures

James has taught at these innovative companies and conferences.

In less than 2 weeks you'll learn these powerful stress-relieving techniques:


Using the FLOW approach, you'll learn how to mediate successfully without having to focus and concentrate to try and control your crazy mind, and without having to sit super still.


You'll learn how to use the breath to ease your way into meditation, allowing for a more fluid experience, and also how to breathe outside of meditation for clarity, creativity and calm.


You'll learn a powerful and simple technique you can use when you get stuck in your head to quickly get back into the flow of the present, especially at those times when life gets hectic.


Meditation is a powerful practice, and you'll learn how to amplify its power by using the time immediately after a session to plant the seeds of the better life you know is possible. 

The FLOW Meditation program costs $299.

That includes 1-year of access to the course materials, plus a fantastic program of free follow-up support, including weekly group meditations, personal email support and more. And we offer a payment plan that allows you to start learning today and stretch the cost out over five months. Almost a thousand people have already learned. Why not you?

Better, Deeper Sleep

Sleep is our first line of defense against stress, but it’s also the first thing to be compromised by stress, which is why over 50% of adults suffer from insomnia. Happily, better sleep is usually one of the first benefits most people start to notice after learning to mediate.

Greater Creativity

When we’re in fight-or-flight mode we tend to second guess ourselves and our ability to embrace new and innovative ideas plummets. Meditation reduces stress and opens up circuits on the right side of the brain making it easier to generate innovative solutions.

Be More Present More of the Time

You can't be a good listener, lover, chef...you can't be a good anything if you're not present. FLOW Meditation will help you become less distractible, more focused, and more present for the people and situations that really matter. 

Boost Your Immune Sytem

FLOW meditation powerfully and consistently engages the parasympathetic nervous system, triggering what researches at Harvard called the "Relaxation Response." This reduces stress and boosts your immune system. Two things we could all use these days.

Would you rather learn about FLOW Meditation by listening to a short intro talk?

Learn why FLOW Is easier than other practices you may have tried.

Listen to the FLOW Meditation Intro Talk

Real-life benefits, so you can really live.

The point of the FLOW program isn’t so that you can become better at meditation. It’s so you can be better at life. It’s about investing around 2% of your day to uplevel the other 98%. Everyday it seems there’s a new scientific study out showing the physical and mental benefits of meditation. But I want to touch on a few that I’ve found have the most impact on how we show up in the world.

Better, Faster Decisions

Within just six weeks of learning meditators showed measurable increases in what’s called tripartite decision making, which is your ability to make accurate decisions, quickly, while under pressure. Which comes in pretty handy, if you’re a startup founder, a first-responder, or a first-time parent.

Increased Productivity

Stress diminishes our capacity to focus and resist distractions. So diminishing stress has to have to opposite effect. Which is probably why Aetna found that employees who meditated gained over an hour of productivity each week.

Less Anxiety & Depression

A staggering number of Americans take anti-anxiety meds and antidepressants. A recent study by JAMA found that meditation floods the brain with dopamine and serotonin, helping reduce symptoms about as effectively as medication.

Less Alcohol & Drug Use

When you’re less stressed there are simply have fewer nights when you say, “I really need a drink.” And so you have fewer drinks...or drugs, or whatever it is you do to take the edge off.

What makes FLOW Meditation so doable?

In Flow meditation you sit comfortably in a chair or on a couch or in bed, with back support. You allow yourself to relax. And if you’re uncomfortable, you can move. If you have an itch you can scratch it. You can, as they say, "slouch your way to enlightenment." 

Thoughts are not the enemy of meditation, they are an essential part of meditation. So in this practice you don’t concentrate or focus or try to control the mind. You’ll learn how to unlock a powerful truth: that your mind has the ability to settle, more deeply and more easily, when you learn how to get out of the way and stop trying so hard. 

This one is huge, especially for people who have dogs, roommates, kids and other noisy life forms nearby. Because if you have to ask the world to shut up so you can meditate...you won’t really be able to meditate.

Nope, just 10-20 minutes twice a day is the prescription for maximum results. Because you don’t have all day to meditate, do you?

By the end of the 8th lesson you’ll have learned how to meditate and be able to start doing it on your own. Then in lessons 9-12 we’ll build on that foundation to incorporate breathwork, mindfulness and visualization.

People are usually surprised to discover they start experiencing benefits while still on the course. I’m not. It really does work.

The techniques you’ll learn are straightforward and taught using plain language and easily understood metaphors. There’s no chanting or incense, no special robes or alters, no fancy finger positions...nothing too woo-woo.  

I’ve taught atheists, Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists...even a few priests, rabbis and nuns. What you’ll learn on the course isn’t in conflict with any religion or philosophy...unless you think that anything worth doing has to be hard.

Hard as it may be to believe this practice of meditation is actually enjoyable. It’s a chance to switch off your devices, disconnect from social media and let go of the need to control everything. Plus it doesn’t hurt that you experience a state of rest that’s multiple times deeper than sleep, so that you emerge from your session re-energized and ready to go.

What the world needs most is for you to be the best version of you. For you to be present for whatever you do. That’s what meditation will give you...and them.

The goal of the course is to make you self-sufficient. But that doesn’t mean you’ll be abandoned. You’ll have tons of support from me and my team to answer your questions, offer tips and guidance, and you’ll receive regular bonus content in our private Facebook group and through email, all designed to help strengthen and deepen your practice.

Success Stories

Court Crandall, Founder, Positivity Brands

"James presented meditation in a very personal, no nonsense manner with loads of history and examples, and zero dogma and pretense. I can't recommend James highly enough or tell you how much I've enjoyed my meditation since taking his course."

Lauren Adler, Attorney, Adler Giersch

"This meditation practice has been such a game changer for me. It is a practice of ease and flow, and the effect is feeling more easeful and flowy, even when real life is just..real. I am simply less anxious and more calm now, in nearly all situations.  Quite amazing. Very powerful stuff."

Tim Brunelle, Director of Content, Land O’Lakes

"James offers an easy-going, non-judging path into the benefits of meditation. James uses realistic, familiar language and a witty technique to introduce and integrate the practice into modern life."

Mike McCloskey, Bar Owner

"It's been 4 weeks since finishing my course with James and I've been meditating twice a day for 20 minutes each time. And I haven't taken any sleeping pills since, the first time in 10+ years I haven't needed them to sleep!"

About your teacher.

James Brown is one of the world's leading experts on the ancient practice of Vedic Meditation, and the founder of the FLOW Meditation online program. After experiencing the benefits of meditation he left his career as a hot-shot advertising Creative Director and embarked on a rigorous, two-year training program of over 2500 hours of instruction under legendary master Maharishi Vyasananda, including an intense 4-month immersion high in the Himalayas. James has taught thousands of people from all walks of life to meditate, and has led courses and workshops in companies across the country, including some of Silicon Valley’s most innovative firms. He lives in San Francisco with his wife, two young sons, and a crazy coonhound-cattle dog mix named Falcon.

Tessa White, Blogger, Triathlete, Mom

"James’s teaching is simple and practical, his language is relatable and his approach is immediately doable. After just my first session I walked out on Cloud 9 knowing I had finally found my way and could take it forward with me for the rest of my life."

Nils Vinje, Glide Consulting

“I have been diligently meditating 2x a day for 20 minutes for 100+ days since taking James’s course and have seen amazing benefits, most notably that I no longer have the urge to drink alcohol. I believe this is due to connecting to my deeper self through meditation. the "escape and numbness" I was seeking with alcohol is now pretty much gone.”

Catherine Davis, Development and Donor Relations

“I've been trying to establish a regular meditation practice for about 15 years with little success but after  taking James' course I've now been happily meditating twice a day for almost a year. I'm sleeping better, feeling less stressed, and am noticeably happier. And my TMJ, which has been an issue for 25 years, has disappeared!”

Doug Patterson, Creative Director

"As a poster child for ADD, I’ve spent too much of my adult life thinking about what comes next and consequently missing out on the moment I’m actually in. Two twenty-minute (very relaxing, easy-to-schedule) sessions a day is a great way to cut out the noise and clear my mind. As a result, I’m getting better at recognizing – and appreciating – the important stuff again."

Step-by-step instruction, and a ton of follow-up support.


The Course - Consists of 12 high-quality video lessons, each about 30 minutes long. On some days there’s also bonus content to go deeper into some aspect of the lesson. The first 6 lessons teach you to meditate. Lessons 7-8 are about the benefits of meditation and how to make it a daily habit. Lessons 9-11 will teach you breathwork, mindfulness and visualization techniques you can use, both in and out of meditation, to experience less stress and more flow. You will have access to the course for a full year after you sign up, and can choose to extend that access for a small fee if you want.

The Experience Library - For as long as you’re on the course you’ll also have access to an extensive library of short videos that will help answer questions you have so that you can understand and validate the experiences you’re having. There are over 30 videos in the library, and I’ll add more as needed so if you have a question or experience that’s not address just let me know.

Your Support Program - The goal of the course is to give you the tools and knowledge you need to be a self-sufficient meditator with a powerful daily practice you can use for the rest of your life. But that doesn’t mean you’re on your own...far from it. Here’s a quick summary of all the support you’ll receive:

    • Our private WhatsApp Community – It’s a great forum to get answers, find an accountability buddy, and we’ll post videos, articles and other content that will help enrich your knowledge and experience. You’ll have access for one year from the date of purchase (unless you choose to extend).
    • Weekly online group meditations - We offer multiple session every week where I’ll answer your questions and help overcome any obstacles that pop up.
    • Ongoing Education - Once you complete the online course you’ll start receiving a follow-up course, delivered straight to your inbox. The content includes reminders and expansions on key concepts from the course, along with videos instructing you in other techniques and guided meditations and visualizations to deepen your practice.
    • One-on-One Coaching - Sometimes there are things that come up at the intersection of meditation and life that you don’t want to talk about in a public setting. If that happens for you we can set up a private consult (separate fees apply) of either 30 or 60 minutes to work through it.

Get a taste of FLOW Meditation

Let me send you a free sample lesson so you can meet me and see how much easier meditation can be when you go with the flow.


Try it. If you don't like it you get your money back.

Start the program. If after the first two lessons you find it’s not for you, or if you find my voice or face annoying (it happens), or if you just wake up in a state of enlightenment one morning and don’t need to continue I will happily issue a full refund. (But if you end up enlightened I might ask you to share the secret.)


50% Complete

Two Step

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